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  1. tantrum4220

    Help determining sex

    Been growing 13 Supergirls for almost 2 mos. Already chopped out 6 males. I cannot tell if this is a female or a male. There are little sprouts coming out at the nodes. They are sorta-kinda ballish looking but have flowers coming out. Are these balls that have sprouted? Or do they indicate...
  2. tantrum4220


    These supergirls have been flowering for approximately a week. I cannot tell if these are balls indicating a male or not. Only 2 of the 13 have developed these but they are only on one node of the plant. Any help? I am going to get a new camera soon as these pics kind of suck. If they do...
  3. tantrum4220

    Ready to induce flowering?

    Thanks for the compliments. 4 Weeks ago I didn't think they had a prayer. Yes, they have been under 24 hours the entire time. So is it still safe to directly to a 12/12 cycle or does it need to be gradual? I also use a Ph solution tester but it only gives results in wide inrements. 4.0...
  4. tantrum4220

    Ready to induce flowering?

    This is the 36th day for these 9 Supergirls in DWC 10 gallon reserviors and 4 Supergirls in Aerogarden uder 2 - 250 W HPS, 2-100 W CFL, and Whatever the AG lights accumulate to. These plants suffered from Nute burn, inconsistent Ph levels and mean temperatures early on but have recovered...
  5. tantrum4220

    Ready to induce flowering?

    This is the 36th day for these 9 Supergirls in DWC 10 gallon reserviors and 4 Supergirls in Aerogarden uder 2 - 250 W HPS, 2-100 W CFL, and Whatever the AG lights accumulate to. These plants suffered from Nute burn, inconsistent Ph levels and mean temperatures early on but have recovered...
  6. tantrum4220

    Supergirl/Growers First Flight

    So these have really bloomed over the past 2 weeks. I've been slowly increasing the nutes. As you can see in the pictures there are still some rugged looking leaves (from earlier nute burn and ph imbalance) should I get rid of them? There are a few new leaves that are developing some white and...
  7. tantrum4220

    Are my plants dying or is this normal? (Pics)

    So these have really bloomed over the past 2 weeks. I've been slowly increasing the nutes. As you can see in the pictures there are still some rugged looking leaves (from earlier nute burn and ph imbalance) should I get rid of them? There are a few new leaves that are developing some white...
  8. tantrum4220

    Are my plants dying or is this normal? (Pics)

    I am not sure what the problem is. I've never heard of or used nutes while germinating. Perhaps you should start your own thread as this is my first grow and I don't think I'll be much help. But I'll keep an ear out...
  9. tantrum4220

    Are my plants dying or is this normal? (Pics)

    Here are the additional pictures.
  10. tantrum4220

    Are my plants dying or is this normal? (Pics)

    I added nutes (1/4 of recommended dosage) They are in their 29th day and they really took the nutes well. They have all nearly doubled in size and look very healthy. Even the ones in the AG that were looking miserable are looking much better. One thing I need to fix: I have a comforter...
  11. tantrum4220

    Are my plants dying or is this normal? (Pics)

    Thanks Stumps. The wal-mart near me is pretty grimy and I have been down there "fish" aisle several times but no PPM meter.
  12. tantrum4220

    Are my plants dying or is this normal? (Pics)

    I now have a legitimate exhaust/intake system. The temp has been steady at 80. I added 1/4 of the recommended nutes as everyone has said to start them slowly. PH fluctuated a little but got it back up with some PH up. Between 6.0 and 6.5 in all three of my reservoirs. I understand the...
  13. tantrum4220

    Are my plants dying or is this normal? (Pics)

    The PH is 6.0. However, the water seems a little warmer than it should be due to the higher temps (85-90). I am going to remedy the temps right now. I am going to be using Envy A+B nutes. Where can I get a PPM Meter? I am not around a Hydro store.
  14. tantrum4220

    Are my plants dying or is this normal? (Pics)

    The first three pictures are Feminized supergirls (9 plants total) under 2 - 400 W HPS. No nutes have been added as they are only 3 weeks old. Ther germination kits sit in Mesh pots filled with pebbles which sit in 10 gallon reserviors filled with purified water. The lower leaves are yellow and...
  15. tantrum4220

    Nute Burn Remedy?

    These supergirls are in an aero garden on day 20. I fed them nutes (Envy A+B) way too early and they had severe nute burn. I flushed immediately and have changed the water once more since. They were looking better but as of recently started to look worse again. Are they still recovering?
  16. tantrum4220

    Supergirl/Growers First Flight

    This is my first grow ever and I am looking for some advice/guidance. Take a look at my setup. 3 - 15 Gallon Tubs with a garbage bag on the outside. Each tub has 5 - 5 inch net pots with a peat moss germination kit surrounded by small pebbles (from lowes). Each tub also has its own seperate...
  17. tantrum4220

    Aerogarden Amateur Bagseed Grow journal: All viewers are welcome!
  18. tantrum4220

    Aerogarden Amateur Bagseed Grow

    Congrats man, looking good! I've followed your grow and you did your HW. Wanna take a look at my setup? I'm just 2 weeks in but I've got a setup issue I need a remedy for. My closet was too small so I used a little indented area (3 x 6 ft) enclosed by a large comforter. I do not have a very...
  19. tantrum4220

    Supergirl/Growers First Flight

    There is an opening at the top near the ceiling but I am going to have to figure out a remedy for an exhaust system asap. They did have nute burn as I mistakenly fed them after the first week. However flushed twice and they (some) have recovered nicely. I have been looking in the design...