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  1. J

    Ebb and Flow Hydro Question

    I am currently growing 5white widows in clay beads under 2 /400watt lights at12/12 I flood them for 10 minutes every hour,they were 3inches high when planted 57days ago they are now 2.5 feet high and bushy.
  2. J


    sorry victor i got it wrong no they havent flowered yet but what i would like to know is there a method that will make the girls flower quicker like changing light timing or something??"they were clones" I have been told that it can be done in nine weeks from clone to harvest.
  3. J


    help Im a newby :confused: with 5 girls "whitewidow" under 2/400watters 12 on 12 off they have been in for 7 weeks and are about 2 to 2.5 feet high, how can I force them to head up quicker without gaining too much more height??:-?