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  1. canabishx

    Need advice on my grow cabinet design

    I've finally got a 90W led ufo grow light! was lucky that I found a local hydroponic store by accident. sadly they have no inline fans:( I really love this ufo light! it came with 3 small fans to cool the heat <3 the manual book said the output is as good as what 600w hps light produces. . I...
  2. canabishx

    Need advice on my grow cabinet design

    haha ffs, why would I lie? and it's your problem, I need to prove nothing to you. thank you and have a good day.
  3. canabishx

    Need advice on my grow cabinet design

    i have no access to inline fna, bro:( that's why my alternatives are between bathroom exhaust fan or PC fan
  4. canabishx

    Need advice on my grow cabinet design

    bro, I'm thinking about an alternative to bathroom exhaust fan.. can I just stack 4 pcs of fans in a box, and attach them to carbon scrubber? will it have enough suction to suck the odor maintain airflow in my cabinet? my cabinet will be 1m x 1m x 1.5m
  5. canabishx

    Need advice on my grow cabinet design

    thanks bro. appreciated. Now I wonder if my grow cabinet height is enough (it's around 1.6m), some people said that sumatran landrace sativas will grow up to 2-3 meter in height, and the buds won't be large.. tall plants, but few buds.. hurts me to see those beautiful seeds from seedbank :(
  6. canabishx

    Need advice on my grow cabinet design

    thank you.. should I keep the T5? is one 150W HPS enough for this growbox?
  7. canabishx

    Need advice on my grow cabinet design

    thanks, I'm a little bit OCD on these kind of stuffs. I try to make the best preparations to minimise errors
  8. canabishx

    Need advice on my grow cabinet design

    what makes you question it? hahha..
  9. canabishx

    Need advice on my grow cabinet design

    just checked your vids. cool setup bro, will help me alot:) thank you :)
  10. canabishx

    NEED SOME ADVICE - grow cabinet design

    HELLO GUYS! The only weed available in my country here is those pathetic and low class brick weed, but it's all we can get here . My weed dealer will close his business soon, and I'll have no marijuana for the rest of my life if I don't grow my own. I have just finished the design of my grow...
  11. canabishx

    Need advice on my grow cabinet design

    HELLO GUYS! The only weed available in my country here is those pathetic and low class brick weed, but it's all we can get here . My weed dealer will close his business soon, and I'll have no marijuana for the rest of my life if I don't grow my own. I have just finished the design of my...