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  1. M

    HELP! They're dying...

    thanks for your people, you are great! I will have to transplant them soon 'cause the soil is not good. thanks once again :D
  2. M

    HELP! They're dying...

    c'mon, 23 views and only one respond... sad... R.I.P.
  3. M

    super grass

    hm... I will have to think about that... :-P
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    super grass

    hey guys, I was wandering... I often hear about this supergrass or superG. Can anyone tell me what's it all about. I Couldn't find any information about it on the internet. tnnx
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    HELP! They're dying...
  6. M

    HELP! They're dying...

    Hey guys, I need help! My plants look worse every day (look at the picture). Can anyone tell me what's wrong with them. I water them every 2 days, temperature is 'round 23 celsius, I have 4x 120W compact neons... please help!
  7. M

    how to get rid of the smell?

    Thanks man, I will give it a try when my plants grow some more. I don't have that problem... yet. tnx for your help :-P
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    how to get rid of the smell?

    how much does the carbon filter cost? and does it require any holes in my closet?
  9. M

    how to get rid of the smell?

    hey guys, I have a problem. I have a small growroom in my closet and I would like to know how can I get rid of the smell without having to drill my closet or destroy it in any way. tnx
  10. M

    lights dilema

    hay everyone! this is my first thread, and I have a strange problem. I bought this lamp, thinking it was neon light, but now that I turned it on... I'm not so sure... It has more of a yellow light and it is heating a lot. Could it be good for growing? (2x60W) DSCF0914.jpg help please