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  1. Z

    Question on Growing spaces

    That's a lot of CFLs, about how many lumens is that? Also, do you want to keep the HPS's as closet to the plants as you would cfls?
  2. Z

    Question on Growing spaces

    Drawing comparisons to the PC is perfect :D I have a similar setup and know just how much heat it outputs. That's not a TON of heat so I could definitely vent it out by mounting a couple fans to the top of the shelf, which is where the heat rises, and send it out the closet. And it sounds...
  3. Z

    Question on Growing spaces

    How much heat would two 150w HPS's put out? That's a concern for me because I don't really have the means to dissipate the heat anywhere. I do thank you for the response though, I would have not know this!
  4. Z

    Question on Growing spaces

    Hey guys, I just started posting here today, reading through a ton of threads and you've all given me the confidence to want to start my own small little experiement. My question is about growing space, as I have a pretty limited area to start a grow in my house. Basically what I've narrowed...
  5. Z

    First timer

    Baked, I just wanted to throw in my support and keep this thread going. I've never done any kind of growing of anything, but I'm very interested in taking an attempt at starting my own small grow. Your updates have given me a lot of insight as well as the responses from the people in this...