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  1. C

    PLEASE HELP! Black spots, droopy leaves

    Over watering - yes, this is definitely turning out to be at least part of the issue if not the whole problem. I noticed the soil doesn't drain all that well so I usually use a plastic spoon to tun it over to help it dry out more quickly. I actually had neglected to do it for a couple of days...
  2. C

    PLEASE HELP! Black spots, droopy leaves

    No improvement whatsoever, it wasn't the lights. I took a better picture of the black/purple spots.
  3. C

    PLEASE HELP! Black spots, droopy leaves

    Right?? That's why I had them so close to the leaves, they don't seem to give off much heat. Still, moving them further for a couple of hours to see if it helps can't hurt. Oh, she's on a 24/0 cycle, I forgot to mention that. I'm trying to compensate for how weak the lights are by never turning...
  4. C

    PLEASE HELP! Black spots, droopy leaves

    Huh, can't find a way to quote posts. Anyway, thanks for the replies, deadgro and daggy! No, I don't really have a way to check the temperature, I only have a body temp thermometer and that's useless in this case. However, I was reading one of the stickied threads on here and realized my lights...
  5. C

    PLEASE HELP! Black spots, droopy leaves

    Hi, I'm new to this forum and to growing in general. I've already asked in two other forums, but I haven't received any answers and I'm freaking out. Here's what's going on: What Strain is it? - No idea (bagseed) Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? What percentages? - Don't know How Many Plants? -...