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  1. T

    Has anyone tried DMT?

    yea ive smoked it many times. here in australia i extract it from acacia bark. Very potent. Highly Visual. as last poster said..nothing compares. make sure you get dmt not 5meodmt
  2. T

    SOIL EXPERTS!! need advice on the perfect soil mix for large grow

    honestly after years of bush grows i think the best outdoor mix is perlite/vermiculite/dry nutes. So much easier to carry in then any soil cause it comes in those big 100litre bags., cheap where i am, and you can mix the per/verm/nute ratios to whatever suits your situation carrying manures...
  3. T

    best excuse for power consumtion

    the bill will be paid on time. Its just that this property is attached to another property...and the power bill is i just need an excuse to tell the landlord why the power is high...not the power company
  4. T

    best excuse for power consumtion

    the place is kinda meant as a im looking for something along the lines of furniture making or something like that...but needs to be quiet
  5. T

    best excuse for power consumtion

    hi whats a good excuse for hiding power usage. My friend wants to rent a smal workshop, and is wondering what he should tell the real estate he is using it for???? I was thinking welder but it needs to be something that uses alot of power but makes no noise...because the conditions of the...