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  1. D

    Leafs dying pair by pair

    How can I provide more light?
  2. D

    Leafs dying pair by pair

    So basically my plant got to like a foot tall and the pairs of leaves started to die and come off starting from the bottom slowly making it's way up to the top leaves They first start to curl at the end of the leave then die completely, this is getting bad and I have no idea why this is happening
  3. D

    Is this setup going to work?

    The plant is in a pot which has the drain holes?? And he's going to exdend it when he needs too?
  4. D

    Is this setup going to work?

    Ok so basically my friend got this setup and it looks kinda cool but I don't think it's gonna work because of how poor it is, it's basically a shoebox with tin foil all round it with a hole cut out the top for light to get in and a computer fan in the side of it I must admit it does look cool...