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  1. ianbeale

    Orange Hairs But No Smell

    theres a little smell but only if u put ur nose on it
  2. ianbeale

    Orange Hairs But No Smell

    no it was bag seed had four and 2 are herms well so ive been told and 2 are females so just took 2 out and stuck them in my room , its been about 2 weeks and there still lokking healthy but the little pistins are orange and there no smell coming of them .
  3. ianbeale

    Orange Hairs But No Smell

    Its A Hermie M8
  4. ianbeale

    Orange Hairs But No Smell

    My Male Plant Has Got Lots Of Orange HairsBut Still No Smell Of It Is THat Normal ? TOKE ON!! :joint:
  5. ianbeale

    Thanks M8 Great Help

    Thanks M8 Great Help
  6. ianbeale

    Hermie Plant

    cool how do you make butter ? pm me with recipesand does i work , like get u stond ? cheers
  7. ianbeale

    Hermie Plant

    kk thanks for the advice. there out of the grow toom ad in the compost bin lol cheers
  8. ianbeale

    Hermie Plant

    I Think My Plants Are Hermie. Had 4 growen and 2 have sexed . at first thought they wer males but had a harder loookm and its got white pistons as well . its 2 weeks into flowering and looks like the buds are seeds. it has been the same growen conditions so scared incase last 2 are male or...
  9. ianbeale

    pictures* leaves in distress, help please.

    got the same problem but only on lower leaves ..
  10. ianbeale

    Herbs In The Garden

    k m8 cheers ;)
  11. ianbeale

    Herbs In The Garden

    kool i would love to grow tobacco but wouldnt have a clue were to start lol cheers
  12. ianbeale

    Stoned Bikerun =D

    lol get stoned and go a bike run , amazing :L
  13. ianbeale

    Herbs In The Garden

    k mahn cheers . i was wanting strwaberrys but wasnt sure if the tempuratures and all that stuff would be ok. Cheers m8 great help ;)
  14. ianbeale

    Herbs In The Garden

    cool does it grow well and does it need much care ? Thanks Squeel Bealle
  15. ianbeale

    Herbs In The Garden

    Well this might just be the grass talking lol but i have lots of space in my indoor garden and was think about putting some legal herbs in lol like basil or maybe even some fruit but not sure what i could put in :roll: any suggestions would be apreciated :blsmoke: 400w hps btw if ur wondering :hump:
  16. ianbeale

    Herbs in the garden

    Well this might just be the grass talking lol but i have lots of space in my indoor garden :P and was think about putting some legal herbs in lol like basil or maybe even some fruit but not sure what i could put in :roll: any suggestions would be apreciated :blsmoke: 400w hps btw if ur wondering...
  17. ianbeale

    So I tried Shrooms the other night...

    haha look out for a shroom form soon haha ko ;)
  18. ianbeale

    fire hazard grow room

    well wit kin a say am a funny guy :hump: haha ko ;)
  19. ianbeale

    when to start flowering skunk ??

    so another 8 weeks flowering ? starting tommorow and ill have sum big buds? haha :P
  20. ianbeale

    leaves curling upwards

    im sure m8 got a fan goin and it doesnt even feel hot . well not to me . hmmm haha