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  1. H

    Uh oh think I have mites......

    I did the same thing once took clones from someone and they had spider mites, took me quite a while to get rid of them. Good luck!! I only grow from seeds or clones that I take now, Read up on cleaning the room you have to deep clean everything. I got rid of my plants and cleaned but still...
  2. H

    First Grow with Coco Coir

    Thanks for all the info guys!
  3. H

    First Grow with Coco Coir

    I usually germinate the seeds in a paper towel then go right into dirt (small pot) can I do the same with coco or should I buy some jiffy pellets?
  4. H

    First Grow with Coco Coir

    I will read up, hey tint do you agree with Bob about mixing the Technaflora Nutes at 1/4 strength, is that for the entire grow? Should I increase strength as the girls get older?
  5. H

    First Grow with Coco Coir

    One more question, if I water more than once a day do I feed every water or just once a day?
  6. H

    First Grow with Coco Coir

    Thanks for all your knowledge I am going to give the Coco a try my next grow;) hopefully I don't kill the girls.
  7. H

    First Grow with Coco Coir

    I have been confused if coco is hydro or soiless .
  8. H

    First Grow with Coco Coir

    Do the plants grow alot faster in coco?
  9. H

    First Grow with Coco Coir

    Thanks TintEastwood for the link, sounds like alot of work compared to soil, do you use coco?
  10. H

    First Grow with Coco Coir

    Wonder if they will take my bags back? I am using Fox Farms Ocean Forest mixed with Happy Frog right now had a few problems but girls are doing good now about 1 week into flower.
  11. H

    First Grow with Coco Coir

    Oh I was not aware that Coco required that much watering, my tap water is very high PH so I drive an hour to get natural spring water that has a PH range of usually around 6 to 7 . Maybe I should rethink the Coco. From what I am reading the girls really like the Coco .
  12. H

    First Grow with Coco Coir

    Thanks, I will need to water everyday with coco ?
  13. H

    First Grow with Coco Coir

    Hi everyone, I have grown for a couple years in soil with T5 lights and got decent results. I have redone the grow room with LED lights and want to try growing in Coco coir, I have been using Technaflora Nutes on their schedule of water, water , feed but am thinking I will need to feed every...