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  1. NathanNewbie

    Cheap reflectors that work well

    I'm using the "Buds for Less" method and things are going great! I needed a reflector and didn't want to drop a lot of cash. Also don't have much room so I'm using a section of a spare bedroom. Found this Poly Shield at Home Depot for $8 and it's 4'x8'. Wrapped around my system perfect...
  2. NathanNewbie

    The little plant that could.

    Tested soil and water several times. If anything it's too low. sitting around 6.0-6.5. Could it be the strain? Any idea what kind?
  3. NathanNewbie

    The little plant that could.

    So, several months ago I took a seed out of a reg bag. Placed it into a small pot and put it in front of a window. As time went by it basically did what you would think, "very little". I decided to look up how to really do this and started from scratch. My CFL story is too new to even post...