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    and if i do use the miracle gro how much
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    feed it wat like wat is some good stuff i have some miracle gro plant food and bloom booster
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    well how do i make it better
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    wats an easy wat to add calcium to the plant
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    kk hold on
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    help my plant is starting to get a little yellow on the middle of the leaves on top
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    How Do Mine Look First Time Grower?

    a little yellowing in the middle of the leaf of a couple and wat are the basic set up that i can do i think mine is cheap but ima work soon and get more equipment
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    How Do Mine Look First Time Grower?

    help my plants are lookn kinda bad
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    How Do Mine Look First Time Grower?

    shit one of my seedlings leafs ripped a little is it bad
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    How Do Mine Look First Time Grower?

    mine have some yellow on one or 2 leaves
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    How Do Mine Look First Time Grower?

    can i get anything cheap and make it as good as the real stuff
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    How Do Mine Look First Time Grower?

    dont trip more info the better we both need it and are tiger bloom and the water solubles fox farm ?
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    How Do Mine Look First Time Grower?

    is fox farm big bloom good nutes
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    How Do Mine Look First Time Grower?

    well i have read alot but idk were to get the items cheap but good quality and wat are the most improtant things i need now and not little things wats the price range around
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    How Do Mine Look First Time Grower?

    wers somwere i can read like a good site ?
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    How Do Mine Look First Time Grower?

    i need help on wat to do like wat materials are good and wat i need and how much light and when should i veg
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    How Do Mine Look First Time Grower?

    the biggest plant is a clone and it is blue dream x haze idk wat the others are
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    How Do Mine Look First Time Grower?

    u meen the biggest plant needs nutes and when should i put them into vegatate
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    How Do Mine Look First Time Grower?

    i give the middle one miracle grow plant food all purpose and idk wen to use it and i give it to them all and also i am new at this are they in vegitate stage