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    2wk old....yellowing bottom leaves?

    sorry i was out of town yesterday, thank you for the reply, so your saying just like a piece of white like cardboard would be ok....almost like construction paper but a little thicker? also the yellowing leaf like is half dead but seems the end of the leaf closed to stem hasnt turned yellow like...
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    2wk old....yellowing bottom leaves?

    You all have been a HUGE help! I CANT THANK YOU GUYS ENOUGH! res water changed, moved lights to about 4 inches away....only those two leafs showed in picture are still yellowing and dying more, should i clip them off? and i noticed yesterday the second node the very tip of the leaf was starting...
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    2wk old....yellowing bottom leaves?

    Very Informative cowboy and dream thanks! i will be getting that PH kit tomorrow along with changing the water and i will try to save her just cause it will help me learn a bunch, plus i have another slot in the top for another lady....should i start one now or wait till after i figure this one out?
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    2wk old....yellowing bottom leaves?

    i dunno my PH :-/ im a newbie, first time grow....whats the best place to get a PH tester, anything specific i need? temp is usually around 78 degrees F with lights on down to about 70 with lights off, res temps i dont really know excatly but i know i freeze two 32 ounce gatorade bottles every...
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    2wk old....yellowing bottom leaves?

    thanks for the reply bro! well after reading post #2 & #4 below, it seems i do need to change the res water, but maybe i wasnt clear enough, the plant was doing this before nutes were even put in.....i thought maybe puttin the nutes in would help it? and the only water i have available at the...
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    2wk old....yellowing bottom leaves?

    Thanks for your help! here is another pic of the whole setup...any pointers from anyone with anything will be gladly accepted and thanks in advance! :joint::-?
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    2wk old....yellowing bottom leaves?

    here are some pics of a plant that has been growing for 2 weeks, in a rubbermaid 18 gal tub, watering pump and lights were on a 20 on 4 off cycle, but last 2 days have been 18/6, have airstone in res on 24/7, just added some nutes yesterday, using the fox farm schedule but cut dose in half...
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    Aero garden

    this may not be the right thread to post this under but i am using the aero garden to grow and take a look at my pics, the leaves have brown spots on them...i set everything up correctly using the correct light schedule...they are about 2 weeks old, just put in the second set of nutrents. can...