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  1. spacefish

    ultra haze arjan #2 1st grow 2nd atempt

    how much longer does the bigger one need? i really want to cut her down already
  2. spacefish

    ultra haze arjan #2 1st grow 2nd atempt

    I killed my first grow and here is my 2nd attempt to grow. It's ultra haze #2. There are two tall ones. they are 32 days old. The taller one has been on 12/12 for about 11 days and the shorter one is 21/3. The shorter one had an accident where it broke the stem in two places few branches fell...
  3. spacefish

    ultra haze arjan #2 1st grow 2nd atempt

    I killed my first grow and here is my 2nd attempt to grow. It's ultra haze #2.them There are two tall ones. they are 32 days old. The taller one has been on 12/12 for about 11 days and the shorter one is 21/3. The shorter one had an accident where it broke the stem in two places few branches...
  4. spacefish

    1st grow need insight

    had to kill my grow dam.... :oops::oops:
  5. spacefish

    1st grow need insight

    got reed of all my male today now im down to one plant im happy with that :-P
  6. spacefish

    1st grow need insight

    hi guys one of my plants still is in vegetative stage is showing signs of female pre-flowers on one side of the stem alternating up and down the stem (there are no perflowers side by side) i wanted to know if this is a sign that its going to be a hermaphrodite? my plan is to clone, if she...
  7. spacefish

    1st grow need insight

    thxs for the input i haven't used any fert but i did you a transplant liquid can that be the case? and can i wait 2 more days thats when i normally water them but i dont want them to die i water 1 a week and i only use bottled water
  8. spacefish

    1st grow need insight

    some of my plants look like the are getting droopy any one no why
  9. spacefish

    1st grow need insight

    planted four diesel Ryder on sep 15th two days after grem one die and im hoping to have one female i have six more seeds but holding out because im not shore my 400w hps can handle any more plants my plan is to sexs them so i dont have to worry about buying seed if any one has some...
  10. spacefish

    400w HPS question

    40w by 112L room in my basement how many plant do you think i can grow in it
  11. spacefish

    1st grow need insight

    some new pics hopefully i fixed some of my earlier problems had to use foil couldn't find the Mylar later ill change it
  12. spacefish

    1st grow need insight

    dam not what i wanted to hear but thank you I do want to make thing right for my plant and i think they are so small because they didnt get much light when they were out side they do look better know that they are indoor the soil does have the ball and it does say that it has fer for 3...
  13. spacefish

    1st grow need insight

    this is my first grow i have two fan's a 430 watt hps running 22on 2off I water ever 3 days (should I water more?) the three in the pots have miracle grow moister control soil i place them there using miracle grow planting & transplant solution and I have given my plants miracle grow all...