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  1. get your mind rite

    Correct Timing for LST (Autos)

    I started LST training ak48 auto at day 7 from sprout , 2 nodes , Mine are 26" tall and 17" wide at 29 days. Fox Farm ocean forest soil , Fox farm trio , 400w hps , 200w cfl , ph 6.2 , happy frog fruit and flower , 24hr light thru 4week veg and now all are on 12/12... AK48 autos , Northerns...
  2. get your mind rite

    1st grow , did not expect this !

    So , I think I figured out a mix to use. Will use the fox farm trio and follow chart schedule. This is where I was not sure , I didn't understand you mix all three to the gallon of water. I ONLY did tiger bloom for veg and big bloom for flower , along with ff soil , perlite and happy frog. I am...
  3. get your mind rite

    Seeds have sprouted HELP PLZ

    Keep lights close so you don't stretch them.
  4. get your mind rite

    1st grow , did not expect this !

    I used the Fox farm ocean soil with happy frog fruit flower fertilizer 5-8-4 and fix farm grow big 6-4-4, ( 3 tsp per gallon ) , all for veg... When I started 12/12 I switched to Fox farm big bloom 0.01-0.3-0.7 (4 tbsp per gallon and I have top Fed some happy frog 5-8-4. All has been done per...
  5. get your mind rite

    1st grow , did not expect this !

    I have tiger and big bloom are they good ? And mix together per bottle ratio ? Any specific brands to use ? The girls are asleep will post flower pics tomorrow. Thanks for any input.
  6. get your mind rite

    1st grow , did not expect this !

    Since I need to get mind rite a lot everyday , I figured I would give it a try. 4 northern lights , 4 ak48 and 5 bag seed of great smoke. 6x6 walk in cooler room recycled for growing , 400w hps , 8 cfl - total 10,500 lumen , intake and exhaust fans , ph 6.3. , temp 75 , humidity 58-60 , Fox farm...