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  1. P

    Overwatering or underwatering

    Got a nuken seedling in the midst of wilting. It's on it's third week, currently feeding it R/O water at ppm between 150-200 at pH between 5.5 - 6. I water basically every time it gets dry, so about once every day or so, focusing on not feeding too much or too little. It's in the tray under a 19...
  2. P

    Seedlings drooping over and dying

    Thanks for the advice. I'm actually going to be transplanting from rockwool to coco/perlite (if I can ever make it past this seedling stage lol) so that will be extremely helpful for me to know. I just mixed up some nutrients with those ranges of 1/4 - 1/8th the nutrients according to the first...
  3. P

    Seedlings drooping over and dying

    When would you recommend feeding? I have two seedlings a week old remaining right now, which suffered a bit of stress when I was away for a day. I just watered them with only RO water at about 5.6 pH with 100 PPM.. they've been growing for a week so far and they are both currently growing their...
  4. P

    Seedlings drooping over and dying

    Lack of heat + water IMO. I retried this method with a germination mat/humidity dome, in which I got much better results. Planted 7 in rock wool cubes last sunday, they've already doubled in size so far and are relatively healthy.
  5. P

    Long taproots

    I planted the one in the third picture to the very right, that is growing the cotyledon already in pro-mix. How high a chance you'd say germination is in going direct seed to soil? I was thinking about doing that for all of them, and if this doesn't work out that might be the next best plan...
  6. P

    Long taproots

    yeah, alot of them are iffy. Lex has good grows and has pretty in depth knowledge about topics pertaining to grows. I usually stick to the Jorge Cervantes' bible and another grow bible I have on hand, but it's useful to get different opinions and perspectives.
  7. P

    Long taproots

    :lol: hahahaha
  8. P

    Long taproots

    :lol: His third cousin
  9. P

    Long taproots

    My friend, quick google search can yield you anything ;) Lex Blazer - Lex Blazer - YouTube
  10. P

    Long taproots

    Thanks both of you guys. I was trying a technique used by Lex Blazer, next time I will just not use the paper towel or only put them in there for a short period of time. Cheers.
  11. P

    Long taproots

    Cool, thanks for totally clearing up my question and thoughts man that was a real thorough answer:clap:
  12. P

    Long taproots

    So I germinated 5/5 seeds last night and the previous night, and today they have sprouted and are showing massively large tap roots. Being that this is my first grow, I was possibly over-worrying about if the tap root would get tangled when I transported them to rock wool. When I tried to put...
  13. P

    Two tap roots one seed?

    *UPDATE* So somehow, the cotyledon actually started appearing from the one that looked to be a twin (in addition to its tap root). It appears to be a single tap root to me. I'm going to plant it and see what happens.
  14. P

    Two tap roots one seed?

    Definitely. I'm going to try to seperate them and see how they do. I'm not 100% sure atm but it might even be a triplet. I will double check when I take them out the plate.
  15. P

    Two tap roots one seed?

    thanks for the correction, appreciate it. Twins eh? Interesting.
  16. P

    Two tap roots one seed?

    Hey guys. Tuesday night I put 2 Purple Glue seeds, and 3 Nuken seeds in water for germination for 24 hours on my germination mat, with a cup over these submerged seeds to keep them in darkness. After the 24 hours (7 PM today), I put the seeds in pieces of paper towel on a concaved plate, with...
  17. P


    Thanks for the tip on the Neem oil making the weed taste bad. The aphids appeared to have not come back, but i'm going to try that treatment on the buk choy.
  18. P


    Waddup yall. I recently took in a plant from a greenhouse into my indoor grow. I got it in the vegetative stage, at somewhere around 6 weeks of total growth. It's soil based and the strain is unknown. This was about two weeks ago. I started off watering with rain water, then I went straight into...
  19. P

    Seedlings drooping over and dying

    Got a 19W LED light : It's hanging about 9 inches about the surface of rockwool. I planted them in rockwool just using water until I made it to the first week. Yes...
  20. P

    Seedlings drooping over and dying

    Whatsup guys, I just planted my first couple seeds last monday. Left them soaked in water for 24 hours, then put them in a moist paper towel. By tuesday one of them had already sprouted, so by wednesday night I made the move to plant the seed in a rockwool cube. It's been growing and blooming...