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  1. beerfun

    Mommy needs pot!

    will the doctors sign? she's skeptical about it because she thinks the doctors will say no. I'm thinking about finding a new doctor perhaps? I dont know what to do for her.
  2. beerfun

    Mommy needs pot!

    My mom is a wonderful lady and lately she's been a slave to here osteoarthritis and bursitis and she just shrugs it off and takes a tylenol extra strength because she cant take anything strong enough to kill the pain or she sleeps all day. I've recently suggested marijuana as a substitute to her...
  3. beerfun

    New equipment advice

    sorry I'd also like to know what nutrients I should get if I'm on a budget growing with just regular department store organic soil.
  4. beerfun

    New equipment advice

    Where can I purchase that?
  5. beerfun

    New equipment advice

    Awesome thanks, other than that what should I use to seal the room for light, a tarp of some sort?
  6. beerfun

    Equipment advice

    Hello all I've finally manned up and bought some t5s and 400w hps online and I'd like you to look and see if those lights are any good. Hopefully they are they were the cheapest I could get sent to Canada and I'm on a small budget so this isn't an extravagant grow. I'd like to know what else I...
  7. beerfun

    New equipment advice

    I plan to clone and be growing all the time.
  8. beerfun

    New equipment advice

    Hello all I've finally manned up and bought some t5s and 400w hps online and I'd like you to look and see if those lights are any good. Hopefully they are they were the cheapest I could get sent to Canada and I'm on a small budget so this isn't an extravagant grow. I'd like to know what else I...
  9. beerfun

    Check out my first grow room!

    So your going to be taking a dump and watering your plants at the same time?
  10. beerfun

    Where should I begin?

    no ideas out of anyone?
  11. beerfun

    Where should I begin?

    It's about 7 feet high, and 8 - 9 wide, and depth is only about 1 1/2 to 2 feet. Well I don't really have the ventilation thing sorted out, I have the central air system in my house, along with 3 fans in here, there is also a window I could keep open. My basement is relatively cold too but if...
  12. beerfun

    Where should I begin?

    Hi, I've posted before and I had a stupid idea to grow in a beaten down house. But I've finally had the time and space to setup a grow in my room. I need some opinions on where I should start with the space I have.. pics will be at the end. I was thinking of putting two saw horses on each side...
  13. beerfun

    Setting up everything

    Thanks a lot to both of you, Well first my budget isn't too high.. I think tops I'd be willing to spend until after the first grow would be around 300 or 400. I'd love to go way under that. But if I have to spend it I will. -Paul
  14. beerfun

    Setting up everything

    I'm probably only growing 8 my first batch. but I'd like a possibilty of 20.
  15. beerfun

    Setting up everything

    Alright guys, I'm really new to this pot growing stuff but I've done a fair bit of research and I am now looking into setting up a grow room. My location will be in a new addition to my shop. It will have a cement floor, insulated walls and a possible wood furnace. I am dedicating one portion...
  16. beerfun

    Interesting setup, a little bit of help needed.

    Well I'd try the strains I plan to grow but my town is basically shwagg or you get oregano. That's why I'm looking at growing so I don't have to put up with that crap all the time. Another thing about this house is that there is no electricity =( so I can't grow with lights or anything that's...
  17. beerfun

    Interesting setup, a little bit of help needed.

    Alright, I am growing in an old house that's basically had the shit beaten out of it. It was a family friends old house and that was like 40 years ago? Since then it's just been sitting there and my newfound hobby suggests maybe a grow area. Now, my options vary from room to room, I could have...
  18. beerfun

    Weird grow environment

    Ah crap hah. There's a few rooms with a lot of windows but I doubt that would work realizing now they need a lot of light ( <3 growfaq ). I can't really buy electricity for the house because it's a piece of shit hah. I doubt there's any means of battery powered lights? :P Hmm, maybe Ill have to...
  19. beerfun

    Weird grow environment

    I have a weird situation, I want to start growing but as of right now all I know how to do is germinate seeds. I'm a farmer so I understand basic plant characteristics but I'm not sure what fertilizer I'd use for Cannabis. I was thinking maybe some straight miracle grow. But anyways, on to the...