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  1. S

    PH imbalance or Nutrient Burn?

    I will be able to answer that as soon as I get my Amazon shipment tomorrow, lol. So I had a 250w hps bulb about 16" away but I put the 600w hps in (note that I did this after any of the aforementioned issues. So should my main goal at the moment be getting that light at a nice height where the...
  2. S

    PH imbalance or Nutrient Burn?

    I will keep a closer watch on the ph. The water going in was 6.2 and the runoff was measured at 5.8.
  3. S

    PH imbalance or Nutrient Burn?

    Just to be on the safe side, should I raise my light a few inches to take some heat off the plants?
  4. S

    PH imbalance or Nutrient Burn?

    I'm hoping that will go away in the next few days. Up until 2 days ago I had the air just being pulled out and pumped into the neighboring room but now its directed to go right outside the house. So hopefully now that its around 77 most of the time I hope it will recover.
  5. S

    PH imbalance or Nutrient Burn?

    To my understanding it does have some in alot of mixes, but I believe the standard potting soil is free of it, not sure though to be completely honest.
  6. S

    PH imbalance or Nutrient Burn?

    I must've messed up a measurement. But is it anything to be concerned about long term?
  7. S

    PH imbalance or Nutrient Burn?

    Just standard miracle grow potting soil with some of the above mentioned nutrients (mostly marphyl twice and Dutch science humates twice.) Kept at a steady 77-83 temp with rh from about 50 to 60. Using a 250w hps light about 16 inches away
  8. S

    PH imbalance or Nutrient Burn?

    Sorry not big bud, bud juice, says during vegetation to use but just a reduced amount.
  9. S

    PH imbalance or Nutrient Burn?

    So I gave these a small feeding yesterday, they're almost 3 weeks from 1st sprout and in 5 gallon bags, they each got about 1.5l of water with 1/20 parts of Marphyl and a quarter of the recommended dose of BigBud, checked on them later on in the afternoon and they have these markings. Did I...
  10. S

    Nutrient burn?

    My bad.
  11. S

    Nutrient burn?

    These spots showed up the day after giving my plants about a 1/2 a dose of some nutrients (just bigbud), im going to assume that's i just gave it a bit too much nutrients and I should flush it if it gets worse, is that the right call?
  12. S

    Am I overthinking?

    So they are kind of starting to balance out as per yesterday's pic. Except that main one that was showing promise (3rd pic) still wants to droop. Should I up the humidity and just lower the watering for a bit?
  13. S

    Am I overthinking?

    The runoff ph was low yesterday so I did a rinsing with water around 6.7 so I'm concerned that maybe that flushing out has it abit too damp and looking overwatered? So long as their growth isn't too stunted then i'll probably just transfer them to their final 5 gallon pots, would that help them...
  14. S

    Am I overthinking?

    I've got tap water that I ran through a brita for now. I've only really toyed with the concept of changing the ph after I added the small bit of nutrients, I'm still waiting on some ph up and ph down from Amazon. So ideally I'd want the ph for the feeding water and for the runoff to be around...
  15. S

    Am I overthinking?

    OK. I'll keep a closer eye on the ph. Thanks. Just the wilting had me concerned as that plant has been the one thats the furthest developed and now it started looking abit weaker.
  16. S

    Am I overthinking?

    -Basic miracle grow soil mix with a bit of extra perlite. -Very small amount of aluminum sulphate to bring the soil ph down and just one 1/4 the normal dosage of soil enhancer. - Ph of the water going in was 6 to 6.1, runoff ph was 5.9 or so.
  17. S

    Am I overthinking?

    Tomorrow will be the 2 week mark since they sprouted from the soil and two of them look fine, but one just seems....limp? They've all been given the same treatment, just watered then yesterday, but this one at the front looks....weak? (Should be third pic) Am I just worrying about nothing?
  18. S

    About 1 and 1/2 weeks, looking good?

    I'll just go with the lower wattage bulbs for now, I'm ok spending the small extra. Besides next year theres plans of getting a house so I'll have my garage to put my 3d printer setup in, freeing up a nice 8 x 4 x 8 tent. So having a strong light already available will be a fair investment now.
  19. S

    About 1 and 1/2 weeks, looking good?

    So would there be any detriment to just having the 600w on always?
  20. S

    About 1 and 1/2 weeks, looking good?

    I'm just kind of testing the waters at the moment with the small 3 plants so I dont want to go too crazy at the start, but after these plants are done I'll be able to justify looking at more lights.