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  1. J

    Seedlings dying. Help

    hey keep posting updates man, im very interested to see how it goes for you. also im wondering what grow medium you are planning on using, and brand names of nutrients, etc. No need to pile it all in one update, write it out for us as you do it, will make reviewing and going back over to find...
  2. J

    2 plants in one pot indoor?????

    On the other hand the bigger pot might actually equate to a bigger harvest if you decide you want to grow some giant cannabis bearing trees, lol. Have seen huge ones grown outdoors, a friend said he puts his in veg state for an extra month, and gets around a pound per plant, using a...
  3. J

    2 plants in one pot indoor?????

    To state the first thing that occurs to me, what if one got sick? their root systems are going to intertwine, no way to prevent that, so its likely any diseases would be fatal to two plants instead of one. Also, that might create a rather large demand on the soils nutrients, secondary nutrients...
  4. J

    First Time Grower

    recently got my medical cert, and im now experimenting with a seed i found in some really good smoke. dont feel like using expensive seeds when doing my first grow, and i have gone all organic. i mixed some soil, etc, and now a couple weeks in its about 14 inches tall with ten branches started...