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  1. TrichomeLover

    Whats this contaminaton!!????

    Don't smoke that shit! Check it: YouTube - CONTAMINATED CANNABIS YouTube - ITV Wales - Wales This Week - Contaminated Cannabis - Part 1
  2. TrichomeLover


    I don't think there's nitrogen in those tanks. I'm pretty sure it's straight co2.
  3. TrichomeLover

    what goin on with RIU Forum ??

    I'm having the same problem. Server's slow.
  4. TrichomeLover

    is my plant goin to die???

    You say you used some potting soil your mom had. Potting soil usually has nutes in it already... so, bad idea to add more nutes so soon. Surely that's what did your baby in. Good thing you flushed it. She might make it. Good luck.
  5. TrichomeLover

    Need seed advice

    Those seeds might be immature, if so, they won't sprout.
  6. TrichomeLover

    SICK PLANT!!!need help

    That's not cannabis brah. What's the use? Of course, like I said in my previous post, it could be Martian weed! PUT THAT SHIT ON 12/12 OXSTORM! You might be onto something!
  7. TrichomeLover

    SICK PLANT!!!need help

    Just do what every other poor bastard does... buy a sack of Mexican commercial for $25 and grow those seeds into some fine sensi!!!
  8. TrichomeLover

    SICK PLANT!!!need help

    Sorry man, but that's funny. I hate to agree with ganjababy. Maybe it's Martian weed.
  9. TrichomeLover

    dieing plant- HELP

    What desertrat said.
  10. TrichomeLover

    Preflowers, Maybe?

    LOL. I numbered that list wrong.
  11. TrichomeLover

    Preflowers, Maybe?

    The way I see it, if it's hermie, you have 3 choices: 1. Trash it. It will pollinate your other plants. 2. Clip the male flowers(pollen sacks). You will need a magnifying lens, steady hand, razor blade and a good observant eye. Do it quick, as pollen sacks tend to open up overnight. Be careful...
  12. TrichomeLover

    Ak47 & strawberry cough

    I'm no expert, but if you think about about it, cannabis is an annual. Annuals drop their seeds on the ground in the autumn. These seeds sit in the snow, cold temperatures, etc all winter long. Many strains are native to Afghanistan, and the great plains of North America where winter temps are...