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  1. H

    LST.... No clue

    aight cool man thanks for the info
  2. H

    LST.... No clue

    aight i found a 100W light and its hot but its red will that mess with anything?
  3. H

    LST.... No clue

    aight that makes sense im using shit light cuz its all i got but ill get on to that thanks man
  4. H

    LST.... No clue

    i dun have any pics right now but its been growing for about 2 weeks and is 61/2 and has 2 big leaves and 2 little leaves u can see them growing but they are still small how do u stop stretchin?
  5. H

    Teach Me?

    my bad didnt no how to make my own so i just kindaa threw it in there all is gud now Ez
  6. H

    LST.... No clue

    Can someone help me with low stress trainging my plant is about 61/2 inches and ive been told to put in under lst but my plant only has 2 big leaves and 2 smaller ones growing out should i wait or not and i was wondering what light times i should use
  7. H

    Teach Me?

    um maybe about 2 feet tall its just a closet grow and w.e i can get it doesnt really matter
  8. H

    Teach Me?

    aight and right now there are 2 big leaves and 2 little leaves growing out from the middle should i wait for those 2 little leaves to grow out or go start right should i change to 12/12 to start it flowerin
  9. H

    Teach Me?

    how do u go about the stress training like wut do i actually have to do
  10. H

    Teach Me?

    yo i have a plant growing its about 6 1/2 inches tall and its been growin for about 2 week and i have no clue what to do with it do i let it keep growing or what i have a space issue of about 3 feet...