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  1. S

    Miracle-Gro Tomato Food for Marijuana??? Help!!

    those plants in the pics look rough. way too much fert bro, back off a ton. you should get an EC meter. miracle gro works fine, but you need to add cal mag and a little sugar daddy as well. ph about 5.9 and a 1.8 EC. water every other time basically.
  2. S

    Yellowing during flowering

    yellowing is not normal. i've grown outdoor for 10 years and never seena yellow leaf. you need aN EASILY digestible source of nitrogen. organic stuff. i'll post a big write up soon for everyone to read.
  3. S

    Tiny Brown/Yellow Spots on My Purple Kush. Help!

    whats your ph/ppm at and what fert are you using. room temp? hunidity level? type of bulb?