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  1. A

    Please dont post how your seeds arrive!!!!

    revealing stealth doesn't matter. it's not like the DEA can't order themselves and see what the packaging is. also there's eleventy billion forums showing exactly how to stealth ship using a bunch of different methods with pics. every bank I've ordered from uses the standard corrugated board...
  2. A

    Is Legal Bud Legit?

    that's all BS 'herbal substitutes' and other shenanigans that are clearly not real weed. yes there are real internet weed dealers (5 operating in Vancouver, BC, a ton more in Amsterdam) but 99.9% of them do not ship to the USA for obvious reasons (extradition). These guys ship to the USA, but...
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    if we legalize it, i'll need a job

    non alcohol prohibition produced bars, stores, giant corporations that make the stuff and distributors. weed legalization would be the same thing.
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    vacationing vancouver

    this thread is ancient, but email [email protected] to find the latest weed dealing store info for vancouver. there's also weed tours, smoking lounges everywhere, and seed shops like the vancouverseedbank that let you sample any product before buying the seeds