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  1. M

    Male or Female - Too Early to Tell?

    New Photos .... Think this does a better job of showing the calyx development ... from everything I have read this looks like a "ball" on a stalk ... male ... let me know what you think
  2. M

    Male or Female - Too Early to Tell?

    Thanks for all the feedback. This is my first grow EVER so even though there are alot of photos and information about sexing out there ... there is still nothing like experience. I read that you don't need to induce a flowering to determine sex. That almost all plants will start to show sex...
  3. M

    Male or Female - Too Early to Tell?

    Need sexing opinion ... male or female or too early to tell? Sensi Northern Lights Regular 42 days old (from initial seed planting) 16/8 light cycle
  4. M

    Nothern Lights Grow - How Tall?

    Thanks for the feedback ... I think I am going to veg out to 3ft in hopes of a 6ft or so finalized flowering plant. It is going to take a while but I'm not in a hurry. I'll update this thread in 5 months or so.
  5. M

    Nothern Lights Grow - How Tall?

    Need advice on my first Northern Light grow ... this "expert" on YouTube states 6 ft for maturity? Can anyone verify this?