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  1. one love herbs

    Outdoor Grow in Ontario, Canada.

    Hey i have about 3-4 16inch plants in my room, i was wondering how much ganja could i get from each plant if there about 2 feet by may 24 and than i plant them outside?
  2. one love herbs

    indoor or outdoor?

    please need some advice* how much can you get off a 2 foot plant in may? (in ontario)
  3. one love herbs

    indoor or outdoor?

    Hello i need some help, I have 3 females under some CFLs, i can only really have about 200 watts or so of CFL lights. I was just wondering would it even be worth my time to harvest indoors or should i just veg them some more till may 24ish and plant them outside? I know i'll have to wait a lot...
  4. one love herbs

    What is the Largest CFL under 200 watts???

    ok thanks for being honest at least i appreciate that.
  5. one love herbs

    What is the Largest CFL under 200 watts???

    could you give me an estimate? like over 2 ounces?
  6. one love herbs

    What is the Largest CFL under 200 watts???

    how much do you think i could pull off three plants if i had 8 23 watt lights?
  7. one love herbs

    What is the Largest CFL under 200 watts???

    No foil? I thought that was a known best thing to use or at least equivalent to white paint.
  8. one love herbs

    What is the Largest CFL under 200 watts???

    what is mylar? It is a white room and i also put some tin foil on the walls right beside the plants.
  9. one love herbs

    What is the Largest CFL under 200 watts???

    ive been thinking and will probably just have a bunch of 13 and or 23 watt lights.
  10. one love herbs

    12/12 from seed 136 watts CFL (first time)

    ok im new to this site and i didn't see there was 7 pages i just read the first one so to my reply won't make much sense.
  11. one love herbs

    12/12 from seed 136 watts CFL (first time)

    I am doing a similar grow to you, but ALOT more room. m trying to get more lights like you have for flowering. Mine are allreadys 12-16inches tall and i don't think there is really a point of a 10 inch grow space. Another thing i did was made a tin foil cone on the light to direct the light...
  12. one love herbs

    What is the Largest CFL under 200 watts???

    Hello, does anyone know what the biggest CFL light or combination of lights is under 200 watts?
  13. one love herbs

    What is the Largest CFL under 200 watts???

    Hey i am in an old farm house and wanted to grow with CFLs but need to keep it under 200 watts. What is the biggest CFL you can get under 200 watts?
  14. one love herbs

    What is the Largest CFL under 200 watts???

    Hey i am growing in and old farm house what is the largest CFL i can use under 250watts or largest combination of lights under 250 watts?
  15. one love herbs

    Old House Growing

    how much more light? How many 23 watt bulbs? He also reccomended i get like 2-3 65 watt cfls. What is the biggest cfl u can get?
  16. one love herbs

    Old House Growing

    Hey, i am growing in a an old farm house. 100+ years old. It can not handle that much electricity in one circuit breaker or something im not really sure the details, all i no is that it can't use that much. I do know for a fact that it can at least hold 180 watts. Im really pissed because i know...