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  1. Z

    Foliage yellowing, curly and withered on day 8 of seedlings

    Peat soil plus perlite 35CM 180W temperature 20 humidity 65% no fertilizer
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    Foliage yellowing, curly and withered on day 8 of seedlings

    Peat soil plus perlite 35CM 180W temperature 20 humidity 65% no fertilizer
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    Foliage yellowing, curly and withered on day 8 of seedlings

    Peat soil plus perlite 35CM 180W temperature 20 humidity 65% no fertilizer
  4. Z

    Foliage yellowing, curly and withered on day 8 of seedlings

    Peat soil plus perlite 35CM 180W temperature 20 humidity 65% no fertilizer
  5. Z

    Foliage yellowing, curly and withered on day 8 of seedlings

    泥炭土加上珍珠岩 35CM 180W 温度20湿度65%无肥料