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  1. B

    Arjans Haze #2, first CFL Grow

    Hey, yeah i actally finished all 3 plants. Harvested them over the past 3 weeks. The smoke is amazin i must say, am really proud of myself on my first grow! :) I reckon i got about 1/2 Oz from each plant. I know i can better next time. The smoke is so nice after only a shortish dryin period...
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    Arjan's Haze #2 - 3 Weeks 12/12 under CFLs ***Pics

    Hey all. Just wanted to show everyone my girls after 21 days in 12/12. These plants are just 5 1/2 weeks old and they are quite big. Just one slight problem though - I am going to the netherlands tomorrow for a few days, and these girls are really growing - I mean 1 inches per day kind of thing...
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    Arjans Haze #2, first CFL Grow

    Just a little update now, been flowering for 6 days. The ladies are really taking off now. Comments/Critiscism welcome!
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    should i transplant?

    An alternative to transplanting which I've done successfully is to carefully cut off the bottom of the plant pots with a sharp knife and then place the pot into another larger (and wider) pot filled with soil. No stress no worries :) Gd luck either way dude, I hope it works out for you.
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    The Elephant King tries to grow some Arjans Haze

    Sup everybody. Just thought Id post about my 3 little ladies I got flowering now for just under a week. They're feminised (im told :P) Arjans Haze #2, growing in organic potting soil under CFLs. Seem to be doing quite well too, though Im a mega noob so I dont know. :D In any case, the ladies are...
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    Roots Protruding - please HELP!

    Yeah, I have em back under the lights. Good call on giving them a rest, will take em outta the direct beam now for a while. What u reckon, a ferw hours or a few days of rest from the direct light?
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    UK And Ireland Forum Sub-Category Request.

    I loled in real life. But I'll tell ya what, I reckon Woodies DIY is MADE for home growers. CFLs beside soil testing and PH test kits, with vermiculite and "tomatoe" plant food just down the aisle. Hmmm, methinks they are laying out their stores for the average stoner home grower...:bigjoint: Peace
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    Roots Protruding - please HELP!

    Hey Gogrow, I have just completed the pot-on-pot method of transplanting now. Been reading up on it and it seems to be the least invasive way of giving these guys more room to extend their roots. I'll tell ya it was nerve wracking cutting the bottom off the old pots, but I think everything is...
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    UK And Ireland Forum Sub-Category Request.

    Irish grower here, I'd join this. As someone said it'd be nice to be able to talk about stores we all know instead of walmart this and seven eleven that :)
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    Roots Protruding - please HELP!

    Ok, so they're not in immediate danger I take it? Whew, wouldnt be able to sleep if I thought they were dying and I have to wait like 12 hours for the garden centre to open :wall: Since I last posted been doin some paniced research. Some folks say its possible to just cut the bottom of the old...
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    Roots Protruding - please HELP!

    Hey guys, I have 3 lovely young ladies growing away nicely now for the last 3 weeks in soil. They're all about 8 inches tall now. I just happened to look underneath the pots and I noticed that I can see the roots sticking out through the drainage holes. Am starting to freak out big time here. I...
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    Arjans Haze #2, first CFL Grow

    Thanks for the advice guys, I appreciate it. I will let them veg for a while longer I think. Maybe another fortnight would do it? Im a bit worried about the pot size as well. Im thinking I might have to transplant them sooner rather than later. I really wish I had got bigger pots originally...
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    Arjans Haze #2, first CFL Grow

    Mmmm, Pea Soup was spectacular. Well, as promised here are some pics I just took of the girls. You can see some nice secondary growth on all 3 of the babies. The biggest of the three is really taking off now, nearly 5 inches tall and she only poked her head out of the soil 13 days ago. Is this...
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    Arjans Haze #2, first CFL Grow

    Hey guys, you're very welcome to drop by and see how this little grow is coming along :). My little babies seem to be thriving now. They're getting bigger by the day Im sure. Hopefully the light will do the trick but we're got a great new growshop in my town, so i might pick up some more if they...
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    Arjans Haze #2, first CFL Grow

    Hey all, long time lurker first time poster here. So after much research I've finally decided its time to grow my own stuff. Not sure if I will turn this into a full blown grow journal yet, but Im quite excited and just wanted to share my experience so far. So, I have 3 feminised Arjans Haze...