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  1. F

    Ozone Generators...

    @pompeii: I have a question for you regarding UV ozone generator Im looking at getting the zen living Ozone generator. It is rated for 3500 square feet but only puts out 360mg/h with a 400 cfm fan would that be safe to use in a 12x12 area?
  2. F

    Ozone Generators...

    @ I have a question for you regarding UV ozone generator Im looking at getting the zen living Ozone generator. It is rated for 3500 square feet but only puts out 360mg/h would that be safe to use in a 12x12 area?
  3. F

    Not sure what to do?

    Not sure If Im better off with a 600 watt hps air cooled or just a 600 watt open reflecter, or to just stay with a 400 watt hps. This is in a 4x4 room. Is a 400 watt enough for a 4x4 room?