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  1. R

    what lights should i buy?

    i see what you mean, but i'm not growing on a large scale and making a commitment like that kind of money seems a lot right now. would rather build up to something like that but stay low key for now, bearing in mind ihaven't even finished my first grow
  2. R

    what lights should i buy?

    For my first grow i bought the cheapest light i could find (it was £15 off ebay a 150 watts hps), but after about 2 months it has broken:evil::evil: anyway i always felt a bit sketched out about using it as it got insanely hot, so am looking to make more of an investment this time. What do you...
  3. R


    shit, i didn't know seeds are illegal in the US
  4. R

    A bad day....

    Today i dropped one of my 4 plants (the healthiest one as well) of my window sill:cry::cry: Anybody got any good stories of growing related stupidity to cheer me up?
  5. R

    light cycles

    i've been told that 18 hours is better than 24, what is everybody's experience of this? Also if my plants light cycle is a bit erratic but above 18/6 (the 6 hours darkness is not always at the same time of day) will this make a difference or cause problems?
  6. R

    Outdoor grow 2009 Kaya & PPP

    what a twat, those plants are epic, those trunks are so thick. I take it you live in some small town with a nice climate
  7. R

    finding out the sex of my plants

    sounds exciting, do you have relevant threads or places to look for advice on these kind of techniques? all i know about is scrog systems and secondary budding
  8. R

    finding out the sex of my plants

    it's my first grow and i'm just wondering at what point should i find out the sex of my plants, at the moment they are all around 10 cm tall with about 16 leaves each, should i put them under 12 hours now or wait?
  9. R

    lighting question

    cheers guys i'll set it up now
  10. R

    lighting question

    hey guys (my first post oooooo exciting) I've recently started my first grow but am having some difficultys. Firstly despite having sprouted over a week ago my plants still haven't grown their second true leaves and seem to be growing up too much (they're already 4 cm high), i currently have...
  11. R

    Lighting question

    hey guys (my first post oooooo exciting) I've recently started my first grow but am having some difficultys. Firstly despite having sprouted over a week ago my plants still haven't grown their second true leaves and seem to be growing up too much (they're already 4 cm high), i currently have...