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  1. S

    HELP! Mouth Swab Drug Test!

    I passed! Ive been working for about a week!
  2. S

    HELP! Mouth Swab Drug Test!

    I had rigorously brushed, mouthwashed, gargled peroxide and all of that for the 2 days prior to the test. I ate altoids all the way to the store up until I walked in. I just tripped out when some red stuff was also on the swab because of my insane brushing.
  3. S

    HELP! Mouth Swab Drug Test!

    Ok so I took the mouth swab drug test today for my pre employment. My big worry is this, I have been clean for 48 hours but I had brushed my teeth so much I made them pretty raw, I got a little bit of blood on my swab. Can the saliva test also test the blood on the swab? Am I ok or fucked?