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  1. O

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Thanks for the info, Yea I came across the first link you posted earlier today and thats what I'm going to go with most likely. Pretty shocked that a timer like that could go for that price! Anyways guess I'll have to pick one of those up and grab an inline fan and I'm ready to go!
  2. O

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    how many times do you have to water a day with this system? I'm trying to buy a timer, but all the timers that I have seen only allow you to program something 8 times. The one timer that I did find cost like 80 bucks though and it's 1 minute on and 4 minutes off 24/7. If anyone can help me...
  3. O

    First for hydro, Ebb and Flow

    Hey guys, I'm looking into building an Ebb and Flow system and I ran across this site which seems pretty legit, anyone with any experience know if everything seems right on that site? Also, does anyone know of any good...