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  1. mizu345

    Marijuana Light Distruption / Flowering Prevention

    thanks for your advice - im just trying to save on the electric bill, and this is a medical grow. its just im trying to get by with what means i have. do you think i have to worry about potential herming>
  2. mizu345

    Marijuana Light Distruption / Flowering Prevention

    yeah thats what i mean to clear any misgivings I have a window sill with about 6 plants. at various times during the night my lamp will turn off and on every 2 hours for 20 seconds. is this a cost effective method to prevent flowering? will this cause stress and herms? i've heard...
  3. mizu345

    Marijuana Light Distruption / Flowering Prevention

    my question is if turning on my lamp on and off continously will stress my plants into herming, thats my fear.
  4. mizu345

    Marijuana Light Distruption / Flowering Prevention

    im on a budget, i've read that some outdoor medical grows use white christmas lights that turn on and off every 2 hours during the night to delay flowering for months so i was wondering does this work? or will it make unnecessary plant stress
  5. mizu345

    Marijuana Light Distruption / Flowering Prevention

    I need some help, i want to prevent the flowering of my marijuana plants, i grow them by the window, they get plenty of light during the day but at night i was wondering if i could flash lights on them - turning the lights on and off several times to prevent flowering? is this a good idea?
  6. mizu345

    whats the easiest 2 grow cereberal "high" strain

    Durban Poison, it literally grows itself, get an original F1 South African Strain, i grow them for my medical grow in cali and i get 6-8 foot tall plants outdoors through the vegging months out door easy. may-aug.
  7. mizu345

    How to get a medical marijuana card, APPROVED CONDITIONS LIST!

    im just curious does this link help anyone? or old knowledge, unhelpful?
  8. mizu345

    Boiling The Roots Before Chopping The Buds?

    Im going to say this once and only once, have any of you considered that you are being trolled?
  9. mizu345

    How to get a medical marijuana card, APPROVED CONDITIONS LIST!

    Again, I never told anyone to falsify medical information I stressed that is illegal, I do suffer from a chronic illness that has been well documented since middle school, but i also have friends that suffer from joint pain, and back pain and they smoke a joint daily so they can sleep, but they...
  10. mizu345

    Southern California Medical Marjiuana Growers / Patients

    no what im looking for is to trade clones 1 for 1, few co-ops do, and the ones that do are in LA. i dont want to buy clones or seeds, just trade strains to get some kind of variety you know?
  11. mizu345

    Boiling The Roots Before Chopping The Buds?

    LOL THC in roots but boiling roots before harvesting, might not wanna do that cause you could negatively shock the plant before harvest
  12. mizu345

    How to get a medical marijuana card, APPROVED CONDITIONS LIST!

    To be truthful that is a good point, but insurance companies are full of shit anyways. to have a medically established chronic condition has negative impacts as well, but for people who suffer debilitating disorders, the benefits of medical cannabis out weigh any of the consequences. (im not...
  13. mizu345

    Southern California Medical Marjiuana Growers / Patients

    I was curious, its getting expensive buying seeds and clones, I was wondering if anyone here would shed any information on co-ops that trade clones and share medication? I live in Orange County California I grow Durban Poison - Original Strain (my friend from zimbabwe gave me the seeds)...
  14. mizu345

    ffs plants leaves falling off and dieing Asap Plz

    it might stunt their maturity but for now you might want to isolate that plant from others and let it go on its course at worse you might have to harvest a week early.
  15. mizu345

    replacing your lost med card?

    usually it is anywhere between 15-30 dollars to replace your doctors recommendation, contact the original doctor you obtained your recommendation from and request an additional copy long as you have your patient number you should be cleared of any charges.
  16. mizu345


    If you are getting a recommendation for cannabis I recommend you get some one as legit as possible - if your "pot doc gets busted" you will too.
  17. mizu345

    How to get a medical marijuana card, APPROVED CONDITIONS LIST!

    generally some doctors will reject your recommendation on the basis its not a chronic condition, that can be treated with a regiment of other drugs temporarily. or some nonsense that list though is pretty vast and if your condition or chronic condition creates any of the symptoms listed there...
  18. mizu345

    How to get a medical marijuana card, APPROVED CONDITIONS LIST! Above is the list of approved conditions for Medical Marijuana, If you seek a doctors recommendation for Medical Marijuana, all you have to do is find a doctor near your area, (look up in Norml directory) Step 1 - Make...
  19. mizu345

    Can i get a medical marijuana card for diabetes?

    Yes you can, I got my Medical Card in California for ADHD approved list of conditions treated with cannabis
  20. mizu345

    House got raided.

    THAT IS AN ILLEGAL SEIZURE, IMMEDIATELY FILE A COMPLAINT AND A REQUEST FOR THE ITEMS, in a case determined in my city of garden grove the police cannot hold your medicine and items relating to it if you have not committed a crime. as much as they like to...