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  1. I Smoke Blunts

    i need a new bong

    blunts are good and all but packin a fat bowl and lettin the bong just chill in your lap is the best conserves alot of weed to 5 bowls= 1 blunt:mrgreen:
  2. I Smoke Blunts

    i need a new bong

    lol no i live with my dad which i hide smoking from and my mom is the total opposite i smoke with her and my sister all the time
  3. I Smoke Blunts

    i need a new bong

    ok so my mom bought me this bad ass festival bong for my birth day and i took it back to my dads he finds it, breaks it blah blah blah so i need a new bong for cheap any suggestions?
  4. I Smoke Blunts

    I just got stuck in a tornado

    yeah man that sucks tornados blow i was just chillin watchin tv and the little emergency weather report comes on and tells you to take cover and that good shit lol so me and my friend roll up a fat wet mango when the hail starts coming down snatch up my sisters puppy and head for the bathroom...
  5. I Smoke Blunts

    Breaking the N64 back out.

    conkers bad fur day ha i was a beast at sniping i need to find my n64 and get toasted
  6. I Smoke Blunts

    My First Grow With The AG

    its good dude i have three plants 6 inches after about 3 weeks of growing in stock aerogarden