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  1. S

    New 2016 Granny Storm Crow's List!

    I haven’t been around for a while, but I haven’t forgotten you! I have been working on my List and keeping busy educating folks about cannabis in various ways. Anyway, with a little help from a good friend, "Old Hippie" (at the “Beyond Chronic” blog), I have got the List on the Cloud! What's...
  2. S

    I need a website that I can show my mom that tells what med issues MJ... please read

    Hi kids, this is Granny- the one who put together the List. That link leads you to an older, smaller version. Try running a search for "Granny Storm Crow's List" "absolutely free". You will find instructions at several sites on how to get a list like the one in the link, but about 500 pages...
  3. S

    Important MMJ Info- the Omega 3/ CB1 Connection!

    I gather MMJ studies from PubMed and medical journals. I came across something important for the medical community, and maybe even for you “recreational stoners”, too! Everyone knows about the circulatory system, and the digestive system- they are pretty obvious to the naked...
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    Attn: Medical professionals.

    The 2010 version of Granny's list is out! Run a search for "Granny Storm Crow's MMJ Reference List". It is now about 150 pages of links to MMJ studies and articles. If you decide that you like it, try running a search for "absolutely free! Granny Storm Crow's list" and follow the simple...
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    Granny Storm Crow's list- 2009

    TAXONOMY History of Cannabis and Its Preparations in Saga, Science and Sobriquet TEA AS MEDICINE Cannabis tea revisited: A systematic evaluation...
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    Granny Storm Crow's list- 2009

    OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE DISORDER Improvement in Refractory Obsessive Compulsive Disorder With Dronabinol OBESITY Does Cannabis Hold the Key to Treating Cardiometabolic Disease? (may need free registration)...
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    Granny Storm Crow's list- 2009

    MAD COW/ CRUETZFELDT-JACOB DISEASE Cannabidiol Prevents Prion Accumulation and Protects Neurons against Prion Toxicity Cannabidiol May be Effective in Preventing Bovine Spongiforme Enzephalopathy (Mad Cow Disease)...
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    Granny Storm Crow's list- 2009

    DEPRESSION Cannabinoids promote hippocampus neurogenesis and produce anxiolytic- and antidepressant Antidepressant-like activity by blockade of anandamide hydrolysis...
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    Granny Storm Crow's list- 2009

    ARTHRITIS Cannabidiol is an oral anti-arthritic therapeutic in murine collagen-induced arthritis The Cannabinergic System as a Target for Anti-inflammatory Therapies...
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    Hi! I'm Granny Storm Crow....

    I was at OG briefly- then it went down. I'm at IC, TY, and MMP to name some- I do get around pretty well for an old bird! lol I'm kinda stymied on posting the list! Got the first bit up and got a flag saying that a Mod would have to look at the post before it would be visible! Too...
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    quitting cancer sticks for our new yrs resolution

    Radioactive tobacco Cannabis and tobacco smoke are not equally carcinogenic A little light reading for you folks! Granny
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    Granny Storm Crow's list- 2009

    How this list came about- "If the truth won't do, then something is wrong!" Those were the furious words of my grandfather to my Mother. I had walked in from joyfully stuffing my face with red raspberries in the garden, straight into "war zone"! My gentle grandfather in a fury, his hand...
  13. S

    Hi! I'm Granny Storm Crow....

    A few of you may know me from other sites. I noted you folks had a partial copy of my "Granny Storm Crow's List". Thought you might appreciate the whole, new, updated version! The intro to my list will tell you a bit more about me. Granny :leaf: