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  1. F

    Seedlngs not getting enough water?

    ah i would but i don't have a camera.. the one thats not really growing has brownish spots on the leaves. and the stem is pretty purple.
  2. F

    Seedlngs not getting enough water?

    Hi, I have 3 seedlings. 2 in which are doing fine and 1 hasn't got its sun leaves yet.. I use rain water/tap to water them through a spray bottle. about 1 hour after i water them.. it seems to be that the soil is already completely dried up. would the clear plastic cups have anything to do...
  3. F

    Seedling not groWing.

    okay thanks. i've been reading all this crap for too many hours also..but i guess its necessary.
  4. F

    Seedling not groWing.

    lmao yeah.. i eat them all the time. And about flowering...could i just get some more CFL's or i need totally diff lights?
  5. F

    Seedling not groWing.

    im giving them 20/4 and the other 2 have 2 large sun leaves and the other 2 are just coming in, sorry no pics, no camera. :-( Im using a 23 Watt CFL and 2 other lights i used to use for my lizard a While back lol. Im keepin them in a raman noodle box thats painted White, and a fan is on at all...
  6. F

    Seedling not groWing.

    Alright thanks. yeah i didn't kno What to say.. i've been reading a lot about hoW they grow so I have a good idea on hoW to take care of them
  7. F

    Seedling not groWing.

    okay so this is my first groW... im groWing three plants from seeds i got from my brother... 2 of the 3 plants are doing fine.. one of the plants has just stopped growing and its getting the same treatment as the others. the others flowers have already started to come out While the other plant...