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  1. X

    26 w singl cfl bulb 1 plant

    i have a white widow plant currently growing. its been under a single 26w cfl bulb for 11 weeks and 2 days, its almost 30 inches tall but im not sure when i should start force flowering it. can someone help me out?
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    8 n a half weeks along..

    ok so im not exactly sure what kind of plant it is i was told it was white widow but the stems are turning purple .. i was planning on waiting till 10 weeks to force flower it.. its growing under a 26 wat flourescent bulb atm 18 hours light 6 hours darkness.. anyone wanna tell me how to force...
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    ok so i thought i was given white widow seeds but it turns out after about 5 1/2 weeks my plant is starting to turn purple so its obviously not white widow.. i was told i should be trimming my plants. when should i be doin this and how should i be doing it?:leaf:
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    First Project.. lookin for advice tips comments etc.

    atm thought its just that 1 plant.. i have another next to it but its about 10 or 11 inches tall and it isnt growing many leafs or branches..
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    First Project.. lookin for advice tips comments etc.

    im thinking about growing 5 plants at a time.. organically..
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    First Project.. lookin for advice tips comments etc.

    oh forgot.. the plant is 8 inches tall. i use just regular old top soil. and its in a large flower pot. there is yellow spotting on the leafs and white bump near the base of the plant .. its also shedding...?
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    First Project.. lookin for advice tips comments etc.

    also does anyone have suggetions on where to shop for lights.. soil.. and plant food.. can you please recommend me some.. i've been doing ALOT of reading and im still not figuring it out..
  8. X

    First Project.. lookin for advice tips comments etc.

    ok so here are some picture of my first plant. its exactly 1 month old. supposivey its White widow but im not positive. i think it looks kinda weak but its being grown under a single 26 watt flourescent bulb.