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  1. B

    So Today I found Out My Boss is DEAD!

    I'm sorry to hear about your friend and colleague. I work in a genetics lab, and if my graduate student or postdoc died it would be devastating -- my grad student is like my dad in the lab. I lost a friend four years ago. He was a freshmen at UW and was hit by a bus while skateboarding down...
  2. B

    Activated Charcoal/Carbon Filter diffusers will absorb THC!

    It lives... I have a PURE 7mm inline that has part of the inline filled with AC; it works pretty well. I've found i) I feel just as high as when I smoke this same bong w/o any AC (I switch off) ii) weirdly i tend to get a little more mental than body high iii) I am a researcher at an...