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  1. J

    male or female or hasnt even chosen its self yet?

    ok thanks man just didnt want to grow it and chop it down for nowt! so nobody knows plant A then?
  2. J

    male or female or hasnt even chosen its self yet?

    what can i do with the male! i dont really want to waste it?
  3. J

    male or female or hasnt even chosen its self yet?

    what can i do with it? with out it going to waste?
  4. J

    male or female or hasnt even chosen its self yet?

    hi everyone im just looking for a bit of help as i am a newbie wonder if anyone could help? this it my lowryder 2 (well ment to be) it is now day 40 and it still hasnt began to flower! its a small plant but healthy! i would like to know wot sex it is and is there anypoint in carrying on growing...
  5. J

    help plant looking sick!

    hi this is my lowryder 2 it is 15 days old and looking ok apart from the new leaves have a lighter greeny yellow tint to them. i was just wondering if this was a deficeny? and also the leave tips are pointing down is this normal plz look at the pics! Many thanks
  6. J

    First Leaves Shrivlling Up And Gray

    thanks for all your help
  7. J

    First Leaves Shrivlling Up And Gray

    Thanks everyone for the help! yer it was out side for a pretty long time and it was hot iv took it out of the sun and put it in the shade and changed the pot to a black 7" pot. seems to still be a live as its still standing strong but after 3 days hasnt grown much is this normal? thanks
  8. J

    First Leaves Shrivlling Up And Gray

    first time grower, recently bougt some lowrider 2 seeds planted one 4 days ago its shown the first leaves and the 2 cannabis leaves but the round leaves are shriviling up and going a greyish brown colour... can anybody help me plz? :cry: