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  1. Noodles70

    Cutting From Seeds

    with ya angels thanks alot m8.;) so simple when ya know how lol.
  2. Noodles70

    Cutting From Seeds

    now then gang, can u take a cutting from a seedling, even tho u cant tell the sex ov the plant until 1/2 weeks into flower. if the plant i took a cutting off turned out 2 b male would the cuttings also b male?:weed:. cheers
  3. Noodles70

    Root Rot

    hey smokey, thought i would just let ya know fella everything turned out real sweet:). no probs at all.
  4. Noodles70

    blue cheese

    cheers simpson, i am in my 7th week now do u think i should start flushing half way through the 8th week or wait 4 the 10 weeks and then start fushing. ;)
  5. Noodles70

    blue cheese

    Now then gang wots the flowering time 4 blue cheese and also when is the main flowering week. :bigjoint::bigjoint:
  6. Noodles70

    Root Rot

    thanks 4 the tip fella, wot should i look 4 on the leaves, like right now as we speak they really healthy but it has only been 2 or 3 days since they turned brown how long into the rotten process would i b able 2 tell if it is root rot
  7. Noodles70

    Root Rot

    now then smokey im am growing in rockwool and clay pellets, the roots only started 2 turn brown a few days ago, i might ov jumped 2 the conclusion it is root rot but i understand from another post it could b down 2 my nutes hopefully this is the case but wont b sure 4 a few days after flushing...
  8. Noodles70

    hydro roots

    ill take some pics in the morning fella and post them 4 u 2 av a look at, it could b discoloration by wot ur saying ( i hope ) i have not been 2 accurate with my feed levels so it could that m8.
  9. Noodles70

    Root Rot

    now then gang wot the best treatment 4 Root Rot
  10. Noodles70

    hydro roots

    ello m8, the roots r all brown, i av just been in the FAQ and it seems i av root rot:( do u think i will b able 2 harvest still because wot ive read up on root rot it rapidly kills ur plants.
  11. Noodles70

    hydro roots

    now then gang, first time ive gone with hydro i am 3 weeks into flowering and my plants look really healthy but my roots have turned brown in the last few days, wot is this down 2 and wot will this do 2 overall crop. :wall::wall::wall:
  12. Noodles70


    now then smoke, did not buy it fella got put off, i found there was 2 many things 2 go wrong. if u do buy go 2 UK420 site there is a good bit about them on there.
  13. Noodles70


    now then gang, i am going 2 buy an ecosystem in 2 weeks, i was just wondering if any1 has any experiance that could give me some real life advice for example how long do u flower 4,how many cutting do u use and why that many do u get a nice sized rootball on the cutting first and wot type ov air...
  14. Noodles70


    right gang, germinated my seeds and they av been in rockwool 4 about a week and there is no sign ov growth. how long does it take 2 start seeing shoots. cheers.
  15. Noodles70


    LOUD&CLEAR fella nice1 simpson m8, ya post makes alot ov sense cheers fella.
  16. Noodles70


    cheers saint thanx m8.
  17. Noodles70

    1st time grower

    nice looking plant fella, wot did ya get off that:joint::joint::joint:
  18. Noodles70

    1st time grower

    my opinion fella ur looking at about 100/150 grams tops. u need a higher watt bulb, put it on ya list, buy that before anything. happy chongin.:joint::joint::joint:
  19. Noodles70

    heavy harvest

    now then tilemaster that molasses is almost impossible 2 get here, they only sell in 1000 ltrs 4 cattle feed. there must b something else that has the same effect, ill get back in touch let u know how i get on, cheers anyway m8.:joint::joint::joint:
  20. Noodles70

    heavy harvest

    now then tilemaster that molasses is almost impossible 2 get here, they only sell in 1000 ltrs 4 cattle feed. there must b something else the has the same effect, ill get back in touch let u know how i get on, cheers anyway m8.:joint::joint::joint: