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  1. S

    Flowering Problem

    Haha jesus, I was hoping you guys would have been like "Oh you just need some more nitrogen" or something haha. Yes I have shitty soil and no I haven't checked my PH, never understood/bothered to look into it. Well anyways, thanks for the advice. I'll cut back on the nutes (not going to start...
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    Flowering Problem

    I have the same problem (sort of) every time I start to flower, hoping from the nute guides to figure it out but I still haven't, so I decided to throw up some pictures. Any advice is appreciated since I apparently am to dumb to figure it out; if it is indeed a nute problem, if ya could let me...
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    And sorry if this isn't the right Thread, seemed like it was a set up question...though now I'm thinking it would be better off in newb central or something.
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    Hey, found a sweet spot for some growing but I have one question; is it safe to grow near the pink fiberglass insulation, as far as once done growing will I get some crazy fast acting cancer from smoking it? While I wouldn't necassarily want the smoke to be like this, but if it's harsh or...
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    Why Did Bush Knock Down The Towers?

    god I love reading shit from people like johnnyorganic, fucking depressing and amusing at the same time.
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    Different smell?

    Ya, I flushed about a week or so before I harvested. Hopefully thats the case Grizz, thanks dudes.
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    Different smell?

    Didn't know how to search for this and it's my first grow so my bad if this has been talked about before. So from weeks 5-8 of flowering my plants smelled like dank amazingness. I harvested them a few days ago and now they smell like a cross between freshly mowed grass and that shit that...
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    New Yellow/Dead Leaves

    I mainly use 400w HPS but its jackin' up my electric bill so every once in a while I use a 120w fluorescent. I'm also doing that because it heats up and I can't keep the heat low enough right now, haven't splurged on a good fan yet. The pot is about 3 inches or so in diameter and about 5 or 6...
  9. S

    New Yellow/Dead Leaves

    I've been searching through the threads and saw some people with leaves that were yellowing but none of the pictures were exactly what is happening to mine. That and all the pictures were plants that were much further along in the process. Anyways, I got some plants that are roughly 3 weeks...