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  1. White Ice Chamber

    Need advice for grow boxes

    Thanks for the info man good thing I didnt get to painting it yet, Ill run by lowes or H.D and pick up some of that paint. And hybrid Ill use that idea with the vents I didnt think about that.
  2. White Ice Chamber


    Ok good shit now I dont have to spen more money, & thanks for the info
  3. White Ice Chamber


    I am going to start growing in 2 totes that make a grow box for 1-3 plants and I was going though some stuff and found a box of aquarium carbon filters and they say it help control odor and was just wondering if it might help with they odor from the plants?
  4. White Ice Chamber

    Need advice for grow boxes

    Yeah I have white reflective paint
  5. White Ice Chamber

    Need advice for grow boxes

    Oh and idk how tall it will be but I was just going to get 2 large totes from the attic so I hope that it will be high enough.
  6. White Ice Chamber

    Need advice for grow boxes

    Ok thanks alot for the advice now I just gotta get the fans and a few more CFL's and then I can start building it
  7. White Ice Chamber

    Need advice for grow boxes

    Would the CFL work for flowering or just for veg? Oh and how many would you suggest I will need? Thanks
  8. White Ice Chamber

    Need advice for grow boxes

  9. White Ice Chamber

    Need advice for grow boxes

    Does anyone have any advice on how to make a custom grow box big enough for 1-3 plants. I was thinking about trying to make one out of 2 plastic totes (one on top & one on the bottom) to make one big grow box but idk if that will work out. Also how would I work out exhaust/intake? If you have...
  10. White Ice Chamber

    First Plant?

    ok thanks I will look into the odor more befor I start
  11. White Ice Chamber

    First Plant?

    Ok well I was setting up a small grow room in my closet I'm going to grow in soil and I have the lights and intake/exhaust fans but I was just wondering what type I should grow as a first, I wanted something short like Indica strain that doesnt have a strong oder and is easy to grow, if anyone...