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  1. J

    Luiji's Mini Plants #2 CFL (White Widow & Devil Fruit)

    had to tell ya I'm still here watching your grow, looking great. looking forward to the next update:joint:
  2. J

    Week 5 flowering plant problem

    as requested (sorry for the sideways pictures and the crappy quality :mrgreen:)
  3. J

    Danky's White Rhino with T5's

    Danky - GREAT looking plants man! It's nice to see this off of a t5 grow. I'm at about week 4 flowering on my first grow, also using t5's/cfl's. Can't wait to see your harvest. And also, I've been trying to get my hands on some of the girlscout cookies as well, glad to hear it's not a...
  4. J

    Week 5 flowering plant problem

    Thanks, I appreciate all the input guys. I'll pick up some calmag today. How can I increase nitrogen without upping the amount of overall nutrients I give? I don't want to nute burn my plants again.
  5. J

    Week 5 flowering plant problem

    I definitely over nuted them a little bit a couple weeks ago, which is why the tips are a little burnt. But the yellowish/browning of the tips doesn't seem like a burn to me along with the brown spots and purple edges of the fan leaves. But I don't really know which is why I'm here :bigjoint...
  6. J

    Week 5 flowering plant problem

    Hey guys, this is my first grow and I'm somewhere between 4-5 weeks flowering. The ends of my fan leaves have started to curl upwards and turn brown,along with some of the older fan leaves getting brown spots and yellowing. I've also noticed that there is some purple around the edges of my fan...
  7. J

    Luiji's Mini Plants #2 CFL (White Widow & Devil Fruit)

    still looking great! I can't wait to see the buds :bigjoint:. I'm doing my very first grow right now with an 8 bulb t5 and some cfls, they've been flowering for 3 weeks now. I think I'll be trying some plants like yours next time, looks awesome. :)
  8. J

    Luiji's Mini Plants #2 CFL (White Widow & Devil Fruit)

    awesome grow man! anxious to see the results.