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  1. M

    run-off water's ppm

    Hey friends, I'm growing using a 'basement blend' coco, which is a soil-less medium. I had not flushed (leached) in 4 weeks, and when I checked the ppm of my run-off water, it was off the charts. So I flushed. The day after, I watered my plants with 1000 ppm solution and checked the ppm of...
  2. M


    I have to empty my dehumidifier every day. Would it be ok to reuse this water for my plants :?: (of course after adding nutrients and balancing pH) :leaf:
  3. M

    Yellow leaves

    So I trashed them and the buckets and here is my theory: toxic salt build up from stagnant water in buckets. I made the buckets myself and my room isn't level. Also, the roots were growing into the draining tubes so some of the plants were just sitting in the solution. But why did the ones...
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    Yellow leaves

    Thanks for the reply. I think I'm going to try a growing medium with my next crop. this airoponics is too complicated for now. I do have plenty of air circulation, and I'm using purified water.. I'm also wondering how much of the dying leaves I should prune off at a time. I read that cutting...
  5. M

    Yellow leaves

    Hello fellow growers, I am having some problems with my crop and must look to others for help. I am running airoponics using a bucket system under a 1000 watt lamp. This is my second crop and I am getting the same problems I had with the first crop. At first I thought it was toxic salt...