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  1. Gore

    BJ's 38 degree NorCal backyard grow-The trials and tribulations of a moron

    HI, The dolomite and glacial are best mixed before planting, the glacial can take a very long time to break down, years even, this product is often used for fruit trees and landscape bushes. Look for TMI or trace mineral additive (the stuff mined form UTAH) it's a bit faster. If you run into...
  2. Gore

    First grow can you take a look please

    I absolutely agree, ocean forest is probably my favorite bag soil, happy frog costs less. but really anything other than that sand will be a step in the right direction!
  3. Gore

    First grow can you take a look please

    Your soil looks very sandy! If you really want to plants to yield well, invest in some decent bagged soil. I like to use faster draining soil mixes, they require more watering which provides more opportunity to fertilize. I can't be sure but from the pictures those plants look a little wimpy, be...
  4. Gore

    Hormones vs Co2 - Hormones Cheaper Potentially Yeild the Same!

    I'm sorry but I can't understand what your saying in the last line. Could you please explain in greater detail?
  5. Gore

    Just A Quick Question Bout Stretching

    This product looks suspicious, I bet it's just a re-branded phosphoload. You see how it says it requires only a single application? I can say with 90% certainty that there are PGR's in this product.
  6. Gore

    Hormones vs Co2 - Hormones Cheaper Potentially Yeild the Same!

    When my Grandparents were of child bearing age it was socially acceptable for pregnant women to smoke tobacco, and even drink to some degree. It was understood that smoking was bad for you, despite what the tobacco company said at the time. People knew it was bad but they didn't understand how...