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  1. KevlarKid

    Probably nute burn

    Snap lol...Cheers anyway dude! I have a theory (dangerous ground I know)...I had a fungus gnat problem that I let get pretty bad before using BTI to clear the larvae....maybe they ate all my root hairs leading to multiple lockout.
  2. KevlarKid

    Probably nute burn

    Aww man that's what I was dreading...leaves are defo eating themselves! You ever figure out the problem or even have an incling what could have gone wrong?
  3. KevlarKid

    Probably nute burn

    MrSunshine...I've only just started bloom nutes (week 4 flower) and have been giving Nitrogen at double recommended dose for a while now (way before i switched)
  4. KevlarKid

    Probably nute burn

    Any ideas?
  5. KevlarKid

    Probably nute burn

    Hey Indacouch...No, I ran fishmix at 2ml/l from week 6 veg (when I noticed the yellowing). Because they were vegged for 2 months maybe 2ml/l is still not enough?
  6. KevlarKid

    Probably nute burn

    Lookin at my own pictures I'd say N def, but what makes me doubt that is the leaves gowing brown before they fall that just a symptom of late stage N def?
  7. KevlarKid

    Probably nute burn

    Here ya go, look greener than I thought under white light, but still lime green and yellow.
  8. KevlarKid

    Probably nute burn

    Cheers for the reply Dumme...Am using a lux meter so I'm sure it's not light's also worst at bottom of plant moving up
  9. KevlarKid

    Probably nute burn

    Cheers SPLFREAK So here are pics of plant, but under HPS Whole plant went lighter and lighter in colour and bottom leaves started curling anf falling off...I also thought N def so upped fishmix to 2ml/litre and because of burnt tips now I think N lockout from overfeed. The plants were vegged...
  10. KevlarKid

    Probably nute burn

    Growing in biobizz all mix pH 6.5 biobizz fish food 1ml/litre and bloom 1ml/litre. Now 4 weeks into 12/12 been havin this issue since week 8 veg (plants have been mainlined) and are in 25 litre pots. Losing leaves fast...going like the picture then brown and falling off