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  1. X

    First Grow. Questions.

    well i did post this in outdoor growing. inside isn't really an option for me unfortunately, although it would be nice.
  2. X

    First Grow. Questions.

    i think it will flower but i think i will have to take closer to 12 weeks to finish EDIT: If i absolutely had to couldn't i black trash bag the plant an hour or so a day to make the nights seem longer and fool it into flowering?
  3. X

    First Grow. Questions.

    are you sure? aren't spring days close to 12/12? and according to my plant will still grow flower.
  4. X

    First Grow. Questions.

    I just planted 1 TGA the 3rd dimension outside under about an inch of loose dirt. i started germ inside. Today is march 21st when will flowering begin approximatly? will i need to force flower?