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  1. SKinc

    Mosaic Virus

    what makes you think mosaic? some specific symptom? probably not spread thru seeds unless they are really fresh. viruses usually need a living host. seeds are pretty dormant until sprouting time. more likely to come from the soil.
  2. SKinc

    Outdoor Grow

    it might be a little early mac. light conditions may throw em into flower around march. hope for the best or supplement light in the evenings. doesn't hafta be much, just something to extend that cycle. even a 60w cfl will do, on a timer, comes on every evening and adds about 5-6 hrs.
  3. SKinc

    How Much do you Spend on Soil

    don't sweat it. nothing wrong with some foresight and planning. take it seriously and get serious results. here's some math: 1 yd of soil = 27 cu ft circular holes: Pi x radius squared x depth so 4ft wide, 3 ft deep hole 3.14 x 4 sq ft x 3 ft = 38 cu ft of soil Foxfarm ocean forest is 1.5 cu...
  4. SKinc

    How Much do you Spend on Soil

    depends on your budget!! derrrr, and if you spend it wisely. some local suppliers are good, some not. some have been known to introduce soil-borne problems. big holes can sometimes equal big plants, however they need lots of dirt to fill them. spending wisely on huge holes can definitely pay off.