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  1. tokenj

    first grow. what could be the problem

    oh and yes o do intend to grow in rock wool till flowering i was also considering to move one or two out side during the spring/summer but i face the west so i may only get 5 or 6 houurs of direct sunlight at the most in the after noon till sunset and thats only after daylight savings hours in...
  2. tokenj

    first grow. what could be the problem

    it think i am giving them to much nutrients too...... i 'm diluting the half strength mix down so its equivalent to 1/64th strength and moved my 400w HPS up to 18"inches within tops of plants i also added a humidifyer to the room as well and put aluminum foil on the walls till i get mylar.
  3. tokenj

    first grow. what could be the problem

    Well i started my first grow on the 7th Feb 2007 and so far so good i guess untill i noticed that my leaves were burnt to sh!t when i came home and saw that after i had changed the nutrients to full recomended power that morning. what do you think could have caused the brown crisp leaves. now i...