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  1. D

    Cheap lighting

    Ive tried to upload pics from my phone and ipad which did not work.i have to look for my camera because i can just connect to the computer and upload it from there.theres not much to see anyways its just a small space under the stairs that i can fit my plants in its kinda like a mini closet.but...
  2. D

    Cheap lighting

    I really dont mind what i get out of the plant it could be a male for all i know,but we'll find out soon enough!this grow is mainly just to get my feet wet and just give it a try.if im succesfull i will buy more expensive and better equipment i just didnt want to pour money into something i...
  3. D

    Cheap lighting

    I got the basic piture.i really enjoy growing i dont have a part i like best but i love to wake up walk in and see how much it has grown.very rewarding hobby so far.
  4. D

    Cheap lighting

    Haha naaa i love my ipad
  5. D

    Cheap lighting

    Yeah i always do the hand test i ususally have to adjust the light once every two days or so sometimes once a day
  6. D

    Cheap lighting

    Sorry if that was hard to read,i am using an ipad so trying to type fast with it it kinda hard.anyways what i was trying to say is i dont want to hurt it as the stem is a little brittle. I will try once it becomes a little thicker.Oh and i added two 23 w to my lightingso now i have 2 42 w and 2...
  7. D

    Cheap lighting

    I agree cfls are good,HID are better.plants growing fine with my friend is growing with HID and when i told him i was growing with cfls he laughed at me until he saw my plant which actually isnt tall but short and bushy yet had a slightly thin stem.
  8. D

    Cheap lighting

    My onlt y problem with that is i dont wanna hurt mylant and kniwing myself so well,i probably will.the stem is a little thin,but its not stretching by any means.i have plenty of head room for it to grow and adjust the lights to,about thepree feet
  9. D

    Cheap lighting

    Hmm.i have some smaller 23w cfls i can hand around the sides,and i just bought some mylar to put in the roo, with it maybe i can buy an hps light and setup to flower because i heard that they are really good especially for flowering.i like a nice simple grow and the plant has been under the cfls...
  10. D

    Cheap lighting

    Alright seems like i got a little above the minimum light about 4000 lumens of 6500k flourescent lighting thanks for posting!
  11. D

    Cheap lighting

    Hmm my plant is about six inches tall and about a week into was out in the bright florida sun until i got it inside. What size would be good to start training it?
  12. D

    Cheap lighting

    Hell yeah!
  13. D

    Cheap lighting

    Training? Hmm dont really know what that means (first grow)
  14. D

    Can i use 2700k for veg stage?

    How fast will the plants grow only under 2700k lighting?
  15. D

    Cheap lighting

    I got the clamp lights and 2 42 watt cfls it looks real good! That is about 4000 lumens on one plant went to the local grow shop that is what they recommended.the two fixtures the two bulbs and a bag of new soil 40 bucks,cant beat that! I will take pics in the future and document its...
  16. D

    Cheap lighting

    Doesnt an hps bulb require a ballast and other equipment i was talking about a clamp light that is rated for 250 w and putting a 100w cfl in that i found them online for seven bucks and at like petco they are ten they have built in reflectors aswell,also i have alot more than 50 bucks but thats...
  17. D

    Cheap lighting

    Oh ok like a reptile light they sell them at petco they look just like that although i probably find them cheaper at a farm supply store like you said
  18. D

    Cheap lighting

    Thats pretty much exactly what i want a cheap effective light thanks.i have all the other supplies fan timer ect.all i need is a good light fixture
  19. D

    Cheap lighting

    Im glad i got all these replies good to see good people helping out im glad i joined this forum
  20. D

    Cheap lighting

    Yeah thatsa good idea too i wonder if the have a cheap one at home depot