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  1. BuildBigBuds

    Lessons learned after a HUGE break

    Maybe you all smoked laced weed? Panic attacks that bad shouldn't happen. But hey, iv'e never taken a tolerance break
  2. BuildBigBuds

    A Newbie Toke & Talk

    well since this is a newbie thread i might as well intro duce myself.. :spew::spew:wassssup everybody
  3. BuildBigBuds

    3 Word Story

    little cheese balls
  4. BuildBigBuds

    2nd week flower

    I know :) thanks for the info. Yea i've never fed em :( Im a horrible person!
  5. BuildBigBuds

    Flowering EMERGENCY :)

    They 5 inches taller now and into 1st week of flowering. Already see pistols!
  6. BuildBigBuds

    2nd week flower

    I've never used nutes yet because they're all in FFOF so pretty good nutes just in the soil. All i have is schultz 10-15-10 idk if it would be good but im kinda scared to use it
  7. BuildBigBuds

    Flowering EMERGENCY :)

    He only visits once a month.. I live with my mom. She's ok with it.. Hahaha
  8. BuildBigBuds

    2nd week flower

    Thanks. Thats what i needed to hear.. And you think one of their stems bending downwards like its dieing is a bad sign? :/
  9. BuildBigBuds

    Flowering EMERGENCY :)

    Yeah one of the plants stems is bending.. it kinda looks like its just given up... hahaha but i had to put it in another 12 hours so 36 hours dark.. I hope this doesn't hurt em too bad. It doesn't really matter cuz i gotta finda a more hid spot now that my house will be for sale.. Shiiit
  10. BuildBigBuds

    2nd week flower

    Hey beautiful plants! i too am around my second week of flowering and due to recent events had to put my plant in a closet to hide it. Thus giving it over 30 hours of darkness with near to no airflow. You think this will stressmy plants to the point of turning male?
  11. BuildBigBuds

    Tech Comparison (MH vs T5HO)

    and 1000w HPS for flowering
  12. BuildBigBuds

    Flowering EMERGENCY :)

    My Dad visited so i had to interupt my flowering. After 1 week of flowering i put my plants in a closet with no air flow. They've been in there for 24 hours now (DARK) Is this ok? Or will my plants turn male due to the stress? Also, i read somewhere that this would put the plant into 'save...
  13. BuildBigBuds

    The Great God Pan is Alive

    I too love shrooms
  14. BuildBigBuds

    The Great God Pan is Alive

    HERE I AM AFTER BEING 'expelled'